/* Here follows an incorrect test item found in a published collection. Every brown hair person is an employee. Alfonso likes level roads. People who like level roads have brown hair. Select the statement that is certainly true: A. Every employee likes level roads B. Alfonso is an employee C. Every brown hair person likes level roads D. Alfonso has brown hair The booklet points out A as the correct answer. This is not just a typing error: not only is A not derivable, but both B and D are logical consequences of the stem. */ Types: person. Predicates: brown_hair(person) employee(person) likes_level_roads(person). Objects: alfonso bernardo: person. ## Attention: whenever we want to check the truth of a universal ## assertion, the domain cannot be limited to the objects named ## in the test Theory: forall x:person(brown_hair(x) -> employee(x)), likes_level_roads(alfonso), forall x:person (likes_level_roads(x) -> brown_hair(x)). Deduce: forall x:person (employee(x) -> likes_level_roads(x)), employee(alfonso), forall x:person (brown_hair(x) -> likes_level_roads(x)), brown_hair(alfonso).