Logitest is a system that can be used to assist the designer of logical test items, i.e. multiple choice questions aiming at verifying logical reasoning capabilities (provided they can be represented in propositional logic).
Beyond allowing the designer to check the status of an option with respect to the item stem (the problem presentation), i.e. whether it is derivable or consistent with the given information, the system can accomplish generative tasks (abduction and consequence generation) that can be useful both when the designer has run out of ideas, and to generate plausible distractors (incorrect options).
A description of the algorithm used by Logitest to perform abduction and consequence generation, as well as its correctness and completeness proofs, can be found in:
M. Cialdea Mayer, The abduction and consequence generation algorithm used by Logitest, a support system for logical MCQs designers, Technical Report RT-DIA-142-2009, Dipartimento di Informatica e Automazione, Università di Roma Tre, 2009.
A brief presentation of the system is given in:M. Cialdea Mayer. Abduction and consequence generation in a support system for the design of logical multiple-choice questions. In M. Giese and A. Waaler (eds.), Automated Resoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2009). LNAI 5607, pages 167-172, Springer, 2009.